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Graus Filosoficos do Rito Adonhiramita

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Praça da Sé, São Paulo - CEP 01001-001



Freemasonry as an Eclectic Evolutionary Corporation is a universalist institution that houses the most varied matrices formed from the influence of countless nations without a defined time frame. It consists of Men of Eclectic Spiritualism, in the highest degree of freedom and intelligence, who work tirelessly for the benefit of the Homeland, Order and Humanity. The Eclectic System is contained in the philosophical conception of Freemasonry for free thinkers, creative spirits, defenders of the peaceful exercise of freedom and opinion formers.

The Eclectic Corporation of Freemasons uses numerous symbols and artifices from different manifestations of civilizations, incorporating in its  structure  beliefs and cultures of all times and peoples. We can thus affirm that Freemasonry is an Eclectic Institution in the sense of Fraternal union and the Faith, as it unites all the Men to whom it is affiliated as Fraternal Brothers, without concerns about racial ethnicities, religious beliefs, nationalities and political opinions and parties, defending the Freedom of Conscience while always valuing the right and duty of every citizen.  Eclectic Freemasonry is a true shelter for Virtuous Men, free from dogma and supported by the pillars: " Freedom, Equality and Fraternity" .

Secular Eclectic Freemasonry or Eclectic Rite,  compiled in 1783 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, it is nothing more than a set of traditions, customs and social rules, a guiding synthesis, a school of perfection, a magisterium of wisdom, a true professorship for the Wise and Philosophers, Free and Virtuous :  "A Perfect Triangle".


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